Staff specialist in Medical Oncology (Ref. Code DON)
The specialist doctor is responsible for the oncological duty in cooperation with the other chief physicians in the oncology ward.
The specialist doctor:
-Takes part in the daily clinical work and shift work. -Takes part in the acute and elective duty in cooperation with the ward’s additional specialist doctors. -Gets independent duty and responsibility within own area of interests with reference to the executive consultant. - Must ensure a continuing medical development. A development based, to a great extent, on evidence and interdisciplinary. - Must take part in training and further education of staff, who works within the ward’s area of duty. -The ward aims that the medical work is organised in team structure with visible contact doctor function, thus continuity of care, to the extent possible, is managed and followed by the same specialist doctor. - Jointly, must ensure a further development of the ward’s activities.
Training obligations:
-The ward is obliged to give the already planned training in accordance with the approved training programmes -The specialist doctor is expected to actively participate in practical and theoretical training of the ward’s training-seeking doctors and other staff in the cross-functional cooperation both internal and external. - The specialist doctor can, by the executive consultant, be given well-defined administrational tasks, e.g. teaching responsibility
Compensation Package: Annual Salary: between € 82.000 and € 90.000, 37-hour workweek, 6 weeks paid leave & additional 17% pension benefits, Free Danish Language course, spouse relocation and job search support scheme.
If interested please APPLY using the Ref.Code “DON”: